Browsing by Department "AGÜ, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü"
Now showing items 1-20 of 126
An accurate investigation of the mechanical response and damage model of aluminum 7068
(Abdullah Gül Üniversitesi, 2018)The promising combination of high strength, high toughness, low density and corrosion resistivity have made aluminium (Al) alloys the material of choice in various applications, from buildings to aerospace, for decades. ... -
Accurate Prediction of Residual Stresses in Machining of Inconel 718 Alloy through Crystal Plasticity Modelling
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 2023)Determination and assessment of residual stresses are crucial to prevent the failure of the components used in defense, aerospace and automotive industries. The objective of this study is to present a material method to ... -
Application of Classical Lamination Theory to Fused Deposition Method 3-D Printed Plastics and Full Field Surface Strain Mapping
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 2022)In this study, five differently oriented sets of 3D-printed tensile samples are produced using the Fused Deposition Method (FDM). Among these five sets, three are used to determine the elastic constant to be used in Classical ... -
Assessment of biocompatibility of novel TiTaHf-based high entropy alloys for utility in orthopedic implants
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE SAPO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND, 2021)This paper presents the findings of experimentally observed corrosion response of novel TiTaHf-based high entropy alloys (HEAs) in fetal bovine serum (FBS) to evaluate their biocompatibility in presence of proteins and ... -
An atomistic study on the HELP mechanism of hydrogen embrittlement in pure metal Fe
(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2024)The Hydrogen Enhanced Localized Plasticity (HELP) mechanism is one of the most important theories explaining Hydrogen Embrittlement in metallic materials. While much research has focused on hydrogen's impact on dislocation ... -
Biogas intake pressure and port air swirl optimization to enhance the diesel RCCI engine characteristics for low environmental emissions
(Institution of Chemical Engineers, 2024)Exhaust emission and combustion control in RCCI (reactivity-controlled compression ignition) focused mainly on the direct-injected fuel parameters, urging to investigate the advantages of port-fuel intake parameters. ... -
Characterization of 3D fabric permeability with skew terms
(ELSEVIER SCI LTDTHE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND, 2017)Flow simulations can predict resin flow behavior and void formation locations in a preform. One important parameter for simulation is the preform permeability. For thick parts with distribution media on the surface, resin ... -
Comparative study on bending behavior and damage analysis of 3D-printed sandwich core designs with bio-inspired reinforcements
(ELSEVIER, 2024)In this study, novel sandwich core designs with bio-inspired reinforcements were proposed and their bending behaviors were comparatively examined. The geometrical shapes of alligator osteoderm and chambered nautilus shell ... -
A Comparison of Ensemble and Base Learner Algorithms for the Prediction of Machining Induced Residual Stresses in the Turning of Aerospace Materials
(Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi, 2022)The estimation of residual stresses is essential to prevent the catastrophic failures of the components used in the aerospace industry. The objective of this work is to predict the machining induced residual stresses with ... -
Compensating energy demand of public transport and yielding green hydrogen with floating photovoltaic power plant
(Institution of Chemical Engineers, 2024)The last three decades have seen a dramatic increase in the renewable energy sector as a result of increased human energy consumption and environmental concerns about fossil fuels. Offshore renewable energy sources are the ... -
A comprehensive experimental and modeling study of the strain rate- and temperature-dependent deformation behavior of bio-degradable Mg-CeO2 nanocomposites
(ELSEVIER, 2024)A comprehensive study was undertaken on the temperature-dependent and strain rate-sensitive deformation behavior of near-dense low-volume fraction magnesium-cerium dioxide (Mg-CeO2 ) nanocomposites synthesized by powder ... -
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis of Bioprinting
(John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2024)Regenerative medicine has evolved with the rise of tissue engineering due to advancements in healthcare and technology. In recent years, bioprinting has been an upcoming approach to traditional tissue engineering practices, ... -
Computational fluid dynamics for the optimization of internal bioprinting parameters and mixing conditions
(WHIOCE PUBL PTE LTD, 2023)Tissue engineering requires the fabrication of three- dimensional (3D) multimaterial structures in complex geometries mimicking the hierarchical structure of biological tissues. To increase the mechanical and biological ... -
Convenient Site Selection of a Floating PV Power Plant in Türkiye by using GIS-Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process
(SPRINGER, 2024)Floating photovoltaics (FPVs) are appearing as a promising and an alternative renewable energy opinion in which PV panels are mounted on foating platforms in order to produce electricity from renewable energy on water ... -
Corrosion behavior of novel Titanium-based high entropy alloys designed for medical implants
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND, 2020)This paper reports on the corrosion behavior of three TiTaHf-based high entropy alloys (HEAs) in simulated body fluid (SBF) and artificial saliva (AS) in order to assess their potential utility as implant materials. ... -
Çok Ölçekli Malzeme Modellemesi Yoluyla Talaşlı İmalat Çıktılarının Daha Kapsamlı Ve Doğru Analizi
(TUBİTAK, 2020)İnconel 718 savunma sanayi, uzay-havacılık ve otomotiv için kullanılan ve ileride kullanım alanı daha da genişleyebilecek olan süper alaşımdır. Bu projede Inconel 718 süper alaşımının talaşlı imalat sonucunda yüzeyinde ... -
Data-driven discovery and DFT modeling of Fe4H on the atomistic level
(ELSEVIER, 2024)Since their discovery, iron and hydrogen have been two of the most interesting elements in scientific research, with a variety of known and postulated compounds and applications. Of special interest in materials engineering ... -
Deformation behavior of nanostructured aluminum: Experiment and computational study
(Elsevier Ltd, 2023)Nanocrystalline metals have been processed from powder predecessors in recent times in significant ways, and nowadays, materials are starting to be manufactured which are not only strong but also ductile. Nanocrystalline ... -
Design analysis of a wave energy converter for hydrogen generation near shoreline of Black Sea
(Institution of Chemical Engineers, 2024)The generation of electricity from waves has attracted a lot of attention from researchers lately. Despite the vastness and accessibility of wave energy across the majority of the planet, there is a dearth of literature ... -
Design and control of universal test platform for lower limb assistive devices
(Abdullah Gül Üniversitesi, 2018)Robotic lower limb assistive devices are highly important tools because they are being used in rehabilitation of patients who has problems with their lower limbs or enhancing the capabilty of human such as lifting or ...