Browsing by Author "Dincer, Ali Ersin"
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Ardıl Baraj Yıkılmasının Mansapta Bulunan Elastik Yapı Üzerindeki Etkisinin Yapı-Sıvı Etkileşim Yöntemi ile İncelenmesi
Dincer, Ali Ersin; Demir, Abdullah (Iğdır Üniversitesi, 2020)Bu çalışmada yazarlar tarafından geliştirilen bir yapı-sıvı etkileşim yöntemi idealize edilmişardıl baraj yıkılması problemi için test edilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda geliştirilen yöntemde, sıvı kısımyumuşatılmış tanecik ... -
Batık Minarelerde Su Seviyesinin Yapıya Olan Etkisinin Sayısal Olarak İncelenmesi
Demir, Abdullah; Dinçer, Ali Ersin (Iğdır Üniversitesi, 2021)Baraj göllerinin, sular altında bıraktığı yerleşim yerlerinin, su üstünde kalan son mirasları minarelerdir. Türkiye’de iki adet batık minare bulunmaktadır ve su üstünden görülebilmeleri ile cazibe merkezleri haline ... -
A cleaner demolition scheduling methodology considering dust dispersion: A case study for a post-earthquake region
Dincer, Ali Ersin; Demir, Abdullah; Dilmen, Omer (ELSEVIER, 2024)In the present century, pollution is a primary concern for billions, prompting governments to advocate cleaner ways of production. Demolition activity is often an indispensable solution for structures that have completed ... -
Debris flow modelling and hazard assessment for a glacier area: a case study in Barsem, Tajikistan
Yılmaz, Kutay; Dincer, Ali Ersin; Kalpakcı, Volkan; Öztürk, Şevki (SPRINGER, 2023)This study analyses a previous debris fow hazard as a consequence of emerging risks related to climate and regional physical changes. In addition to the increasing food frequencies, there is an increasing risk of mud or ... -
Developing empirical formulae for scour depth in front of inclined bridge piers
Fedakar, Halil İbrahim; Dincer, Ali Ersin; Bozkuş, Zafer (Croatian Association of Civil Engineers, 2023)Because of the complex flow mechanism around inclined bridge piers, previous studies have proposed different empirical correlations to predict the scouring depth in front of piers, which include regression analysis developed ... -
Effect of urbanization on surface runoff and performance of green roofs and permeable pavement for mitigating urban floods
Öztürk, Şevki; Yılmaz, Kutay; Dincer, Ali Ersin; Kalpakcı, Volkan (SPRINGER NATURE Link, 2024)Floods are increasingly becoming a significant concern due to climate change, global warming, and excessive urbanization. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has projected that global warming will continue ... -
Multi-objective turbine allocation on a wind farm site
Dincer, Ali Ersin; Demir, Abdullah; Yılmaz, K. (ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2024)The Multi-Objective Turbine Allocation (MOTA) method is introduced as a novel approach for wind farm layout optimization and site selection. By incorporating Geographic Information System (GIS) tools and the Analytical ... -
A novel method for the site selection of large-scale PV farms by using AHP and GIS: A case study in İzmir, Türkiye
Demir, Abdullah; Dincer, Ali Ersin; Yilmaz, Kutay (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2023)Effective and sustainable climate-friendly policies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in line with the 2020 European Green Deal are necessary. Accordingly, renewable energies assumed a critical role, rendering the ... -
Numerical and experimental investigation of sloshing in a water tank with a fully coupled fluid-structure interaction method
Demir, Abdullah; Dincer, Ali Ersin; Ozturk, Sevki; Kazaz, Ilker (INDERSCIENCE ENTERPRISES LTDWORLD TRADE CENTER BLDG, 29 ROUTE DE PRE-BOIS, CASE POSTALE 856, CH-1215 GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, 2021)In the present study, the harmonic movement of fluid flow and the behaviour of elastic structure under this movement are investigated. Accordingly, a recently developed fluid-structure interaction method in which fluid and ... -
Numerical investigation of sloshing with baffles having different elasticities
Demir, Abdullah; Dincer, Ali Ersin (Tulpar Academic Publishing, 2020)Liquid tanks are indispensable members of civil engineering structures like liquidpetroleum gas storage tanks and aerospace structures. Fluids can act unpredictablyunder earthquake excitation or dynamic loads. Loads applied ...