Browsing by Author "Jung, Jaesung"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Blockchain-Based Energy Applications: The DSO Perspective
Yagmur, Ahmet; Dedeturk, Beyhan Adanur; Soran, Ahmet; Jung, Jaesung; Onen, Ahmet (IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC445 HOES LANE, PISCATAWAY, NJ 08855-4141, 2021)This paper discusses blockchain-based energy applications from the distribution system operator (DSO) perspective. Blockchain has a potential impact on newly emergent actors, such as electric vehicles (EVs) and the charging ... -
Configurable, Hierarchical, Model-based, Scheduling Control with photovoltaic generators in power distribution circuits
Jung, Jaesung; Onen, Ahmet; Russell, Kevin; Broadwater, Robert P.; Steffel, Steve; Dinkel, Alex (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2015)Existing distribution systems and their associated controls have been around for decades. Most distribution circuits have capacity to accommodate some level of PV generation, but the question is how much can they handle ... -
Economic optimal operation of Community Energy Storage systems in competitive energy markets
Arghandeh, Reza; Woyak, Jeremy; Onen, Ahmet; Jung, Jaesung; Broadwater, Robert P (ELSEVIER SCI LTDTHE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND, 2014)Distributed, controllable energy storage devices offer several benefits to electric power system operation. Three such benefits include reducing peak load, providing standby power, and enhancing power quality. These benefits, ... -
Editorial Market-based distributed energy resources operation for future power systems
Onen, Ahmet; Jung, Jaesung; Guerrero, Josep M. M; Lee, Chul-Ho; Hossain, Md Alamgir (FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2022)One of the biggest challenges in the current power system operation is caused by the large scale integration of distributed energy resources (DERs) that have high volatility generations (Uzum et al., 2021). Communication ... -
Empirical Wavelet Transform Based Method for Identification and Analysis of Sub-synchronous Oscillation Modes Using PMU Data
Philip, Joice G.; Jung, Jaesung; Onen, Ahmet (IEEE-SGEPRI(State Grid Electric Power Research Institute), 2024)This paper proposes an empirical wavelet transform (EWT) based method for identification and analysis of sub-synchronous oscillation (SSO) modes in the power system using phasor measurement unit (PMU) data. The phasors ... -
Energy Trading on a Peer-to-Peer Basis between Virtual Power Plants Using Decentralized Finance Instruments
Seven, Serkan; Yoldas, Yeliz; Soran, Ahmet; Alkan,Gulay Yalcin; Jung, Jaesung; Ustun, Taha Selim; Onen, Ahmet (MDPI, 2022)Over time, distribution systems have begun to include increased distributed energy resources (DERs) due to the advancement of auxiliary power electronics, information and communication technologies (ICT), and cost reductions. ... -
Local steady-state and quasi steady-state impact studies of high photovoltaic generation penetration in power distribution circuits
Jung, Jaesung; Onen, Ahmet; Russell, Kevin; Broadwater, Robert P. (ELSEVIER, 2015)Both steady-state and quasi steady-state impact studies in high Photovoltaic (PV) penetration distribution circuits are presented. The steady-state analysis evaluates impacts on the distribution circuit by comparing ... -
Model-centric Distribution Automation: Capacity, Reliability, and Efficiency
Onen, Ahmet; Jung, Jaesung; Dilek, Murat; Cheng, Danling; Broadwater, Robert P.; Scirbona, Charlie; Cocks, George; Hamilton, Stephanie; Wang, Xiaoyu (TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC530 WALNUT STREET, STE 850, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106, 2016)A series of analyses along with field validations that evaluate efficiency, reliability, and capacity improvements of model-centric distribution automation are presented. With model-centric distribution automation, the ... -
Network cost allocation methods for pay-as-bid peer-to-peer energy trading: A comparison
Noorfatima N.; Choi, Yunjeong; Onen, Ahmet; Jung, Jaesung (ELSEVIER, 2022)In pay-as-bid peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading, various types of prosumers and consumers can participate, regardless of their offers. Thus, various types of participants impact the network differently. However, very few ... -
Optimal Location and Sizing of Electric Bus Battery Swapping Station in Microgrid Systems by Considering Revenue Maximization
Kocer, Mustafa Cagatay; Onen, Ahmet; Jung, Jaesung; Gultekin, Hakan; Albayrak, Sahin (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.(IEEE), 2023)The radical increase in the popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) has in turn increased the number of associated problems. Long waiting times at charging stations are a major barrier to the widespread adoption of EVs. ... -
A reinforcement learning-based demand response strategy designed from the Aggregator's perspective
Oh, Seongmun; Jung, Jaesung; Onen, Ahmet; Lee, Chul-Ho (FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2022)The demand response (DR) program is a promising way to increase the ability to balance both supply and demand, optimizing the economic efficiency of the overall system. This study focuses on the DR participation strategy ... -
Review on Energy Application Using Blockchain Technology With an Introductions in the Pricing Infrastructure
Al-Abri, Tariq; Onen, Ahmet; Al-Abri, Rashid; Hossen, Abdulnasir; Al-Hinai, Amer; Jung, Jaesung; Ustun, Taha Selim (IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC445 HOES LANE, PISCATAWAY, NJ 08855-4141, 2022)With the rapid transformation of the energy sector towards modern power systems represented by smart grids (SGs), microgrids (MG), and distributed generation, blockchain (BC) technology has shown the capability for solving ...