Micro-Grid Campus Concept from Data to Design: Case Study Malta

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Azzopardi, BrianAzzopardi, Stefan
Bartolo, Brian
Jately, Vibhu
Mikalauskine, Renata
Bhattacharya, Somesh
Khalifeh, Ala
Hadjidemetriou, Lenos
Tsolakis, Apostolos
(Martinez-Ramos, Jose Luis
Martensen, Nis
Onen, Ahmet
Borg, Nicholas
Khiat, Mounir
Camilleri, Tim
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This paper aims to highlight the endeavors of a micro-grid campus development from data to design stage that is under development at the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), Malta. Malta is an island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea having an area of 316km2 and receives the highest EU solar irradiance. The MCAST micro-grid is the first living laboratory for training and research on the island with one-third of the campus fully development in state-of-the-art facilities. In this case study, the loads consumption, photovoltaic (PV) generation and potential Electric Vehicles (EVs), that may support the campus when necessary are analysed for further designs supported by over 2 years of campus data. This analysis would provide the understanding of integrating future EVs on campus and higher penetration of PVs while keeping high consumption loads at watch. In addition, reliability and cost factors of the MCAST micro-grid are considered and recommendations are given on the infrastructure to complete campus wide transformation.