Nanowire-Shaped MoS2@MoO3 Nanocomposites as a Hole Injection Layer for Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes

Göster/ Aç
Bastami, NasimSoheyli, Ehsan
Arslan, Aysenur
Sahraei, Reza
Yazici, Ahmet Faruk
Mutlugun, Evren
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Molybdenum disulfides and molybdenum trioxides are structures that possess the potential to work as efficient charge
transport layers in optoelectronic devices. In the present study, as opposed to the existing Mo-based nanostructures in flake, sheet, or
spherical forms, an extremely simple and low-cost hydrothermal method is used to prepare nanowires (NWs) of MoS2@MoO3
(MSO) composites. The synthesis method includes several advantages including easy handling and processing of inexpensive
precursors to reach stable MSO NWs without the need for an oxygen-free medium, which would facilitate the possibility of mass
production of these nanostructures. The structural analysis confirmed the formation of MSO nanocomposites with different Mo
valence states, as well as NWs of average length and diameter of 70 nm and 5 nm, respectively. In order to demonstrate their
potential for optoelectronic applications, MSO NWs were blended into hole injection layers (HILs) in quantum dot-based lightemitting diodes (QLEDs). Electroluminescence measurements show a substantial enhancement in both luminance (from 44,330 to
68,630 cd.m−2
) and external quantum efficiency (from 1.6 to 2.3%), based on the increase in the ratio of MSO NWs from 3 to 10%.
Interestingly, the addition of 10% volume of MSO NWs resulted in a remarkably smoother HIL with improved current efficiency
and stability in green-emitting QLEDs. The simplicity and cost-effective features of the synthesis method along with outstanding
favorable morphology demonstrated their ability to enhance the QLED performance and mark them as promising agents for