Elektrik - Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü Koleksiyonu by Institution Author "Ablay, Gunyaz"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Cascade sliding mode-based robust tracking control of a magnetic levitation system
Ablay, Gunyaz; Eroglu, Yakup (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLAND, 2016)Magnetic levitation systems are able to provide frictionless, reliable, fast and economical operations in wide-range applications. The effectiveness and applicability of these systems require precise feedback control designs ... -
Chaos in PID Controlled Nonlinear Systems
Ablay, Gunyaz (SPRINGER SINGAPORE PTE LTD, #04-01 CENCON I, 1 TANNERY RD, SINGAPORE 347719, SINGAPORE, 2015)Controlling nonlinear systems with linear feedback control methods can lead to chaotic behaviors. Order increase in system dynamics due to integral control and control parameter variations in PID controlled nonlinear systems ... -
Chaotic Map Construction from Common Nonlinearities and Microcontroller Implementations
Ablay, Gunyaz (WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD5 TOH TUCK LINK, SINGAPORE 596224, SINGAPORE, 2016)This work presents novel discrete-time chaotic systems with some known physical system non-linearities. Dynamic behaviors of the models are examined with numerical methods and Arduino microcontroller-based experimental ... -
Coefficient ratios-based robust sliding surface and integral sliding mode control designs with optimal transient responses
Ablay, Gunyaz (WILEY, 2014)A coefficient ratio-based sliding surface algorithm and an integral sliding mode control approach are proposed for multivariable dynamical systems. The sliding surface design problem is reduced to the specification of the ... -
Design and real-time implementation of a sliding mode observer utilizing voltage signal injection and PLL for sensorless control of IPMSMs
Ates, Ertugrul; Tekgun, Burak; Ablay, Gunyaz; Barut, Murat (ELSEVIER, 2024)In this study, a sliding mode observer (SMO) based on high-frequency (HF) voltage signal injection and a phase-locked loop (PLL) is proposed for estimating the extended electromotive force (EEMF), rotor position, and rotor ... -
A generalized PID controller for high-order dynamical systems
Ablay, Gunyaz (SLOVAK UNIV TECHNOLOGYFAC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING & INFORMATION, ILKOVICOVA 3, BRATISLAVA 812 19, SLOVAKIA, 2021)This paper introduces a generalized PID type controller for controlling high-order dynamical systems. An optimal generalized PID control design method is developed to provide a simplified high-order output feedback control ... -
Key role of high-T-c twinned martensitic materials to gain a magnetic actuation higher than 15%
Sarli, Numan; Paran, Nejdet; Ablay, Gunyaz; Ocak, Hamza Y.; Yildiz, Yasin G.; Yildiz, Gokcen D.; Yagci, Nermin K. (ELSEVIER SCIENCE SAPO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND, 2021)Twinning angle outcomes of the twinned martensitic (TM) and detwinned martensitic (DTM) structural transformations on the magnetic features of the austenite (A) parent phase are researched by using the effective field ... -
A model-free continuous integral sliding mode controller for robust control of robotic manipulators
Ablay, Günyaz (Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama, 2023)This paper proposes a model-free continuous integral sliding mode controller for robust control of robotic manipulators. The highly nonlinear dynamics of robots and load disturbances cause control challenges. To achieve ... -
Model-Free Controller Designs for a Magnetic Micromanipulator
Ablay, Gunyaz (ASMETWO PARK AVE, NEW YORK, NY 10016-5990, 2021)An optimal model-free controller and a linear controller are designed and applied to a horizontal magnetic micromanipulator for controlling microparticles in a liquid environment. An input-output relation based model for ... -
A modeling and control approach to advanced nuclear power plants with gas turbines
Ablay, Gunyaz (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER, 2013)Advanced nuclear power plants are currently being proposed with a number of various designs. However, there is a lack of modeling and control strategies to deal with load following operations. This research investigates ... -
Ablay, Gunyaz (IEEE, 2013)Advanced nuclear power plants are currently being proposed with a number of various designs. However, there is a lack of modeling and control strategies to deal with load following operations. This research investigates ... -
New 4D and 3D models of chaotic systems developed from the dynamic behavior of nuclear reactors
Ablay, Gunyaz (AIP Publishing, 2022)The complex, highly nonlinear dynamic behavior of nuclear reactors can be captured qualitatively by novel four-dimensional (that is, fourth order) and three-dimensional (that is, third order) models of chaotic systems and ... -
Novel chaotic delay systems and electronic circuit solutions
Ablay, Gunyaz (SPRINGER, 2015)Chaotic delay systems are abundant in nature and play a significant role in engineering applications and in describing global behaviors of physical systems. This work presents novel first-order chaotic delay systems ... -
An Observer-Based Fault Diagnosis in Battery Systems of Hybrid Vehicles
Ablay, Gunyaz (IEEE, 2013)Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) currently use Nickel-Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) batteries which have advantages of design flexibility, superior power, environmental acceptability and recyclability, long life, wide-range operating ... -
Online Condition Monitoring of Battery Systems With a Nonlinear Estimator
Ablay, Gunyaz (IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2014)The performance of batteries as uninterruptable power sources in any industry cannot be taken for granted. The failures in battery systems of safety-related electric systems can lead to performance deterioration, costly ... -
PI-V plus Sliding Mode Based Cascade Control of Magnetic Levitation
Eroglu, Yakup; Ablay, Gunyaz (IEEE, 2015)Magnetic levitation systems are able to provide frictionless, reliable, fast and economical operations in wide-range applications. The effectiveness and applicability of these systems require precise feedback control ... -
A robust estimator-based optimal algebraic approach to steam generator feedwater control system
Ablay, Gunyaz (TUBITAK SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TURKEY, ATATURK BULVARI NO 221, KAVAKLIDERE, ANKARA, 00000, TURKEY Categories / Classification, 2016)Feedwater control systems are used to maintain the steam generator water level within prescribed narrow limits and to provide constant supply of steam during power demand variations. Current feedwater control systems are ... -
Robust estimator-based optimal control designs for U-tube steam generators
Ablay, Gunyaz (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 2015)U-tube steam generator level control systems are used to maintain the water level within prescribed narrow limits and to provide constant supply of high-quality steam during power demand variations. Traditional level control ... -
Robust reactivity, neutron source, and precursor estimators for nuclear reactors
Ablay, Gunyaz (ELSEVIER SCIENCE SAPO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND, 2013)Reactivity, precursor concentration, and external neutron source strength determine control, operation and performance of nuclear reactors. These main reactor quantities are not directly measurable and must be calculated ... -
Steam Generator Level Control with an Observer-Based Algebraic Approach
Ablay, Gunyaz (IEEE, 2013)Level control systems are used to maintain the steam generator water level within the prescribed narrow limits and to provide constant supply of steam during power demand variations. The current level control systems are ...