Güncel Gönderiler: Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 294, listelenen: 161-180
Street vendor detection: Helping municipalities make decisions with actionable insights
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021)Street vendors are quite common in countries across the world. By the prevalence of mobile surveillance systems, increasing demand for automatic detection of street vendors for further decisions and planning by the city ... -
Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques in Human Microbiome Studies: Contemporary Challenges and Solutions
(FRONTIERS MEDIA SAAVENUE DU TRIBUNAL FEDERAL 34, LAUSANNE CH-1015, SWITZERLAND, 2021)The human microbiome has emerged as a central research topic in human biology and biomedicine. Current microbiome studies generate high-throughput omics data across different body sites, populations, and life stages. Many ... -
Physical layer authentication for extending battery life
(ELSEVIERRADARWEG 29, 1043 NX AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 2021)Increasing population density in cities, and the increasing demand for efficiency in resource usage call for architectures enabling smart cities, such as the Internet of Things (IoT). In most such scenarios, the data ... -
A Continuously Benchmarked and Crowdsourced Challenge for Rapid Development and Evaluation of Models to Predict COVID-19 Diagnosis and Hospitalization
(AMER MEDICAL ASSOC330 N WABASH AVE, STE 39300, CHICAGO, IL 60611-5885, 2021)IMPORTANCE Machine learning could be used to predict the likelihood of diagnosis and severity of illness. Lack of COVID-19 patient data has hindered the data science community in developing models to aid in the response ... -
CBI4.0: A cross-layer approach for big data gathering for active monitoring and maintenance in the manufacturing industry 4.0
(ELSEVIERRADARWEG 29, 1043 NX AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 2021)Industry 4.0 (I4.0) defines a new paradigm to produce high-quality products at the low cost by reacting quickly and effectively to changing demands in the highly volatile global markets. In Industry 4.0, the adoption of ... -
3-State Protein Secondary Structure Prediction based on SCOPe Classes
(INST TECNOLOGIA PARANARUA PROF ALGACYR MUNHOZ MADER 3775-CIC, 81350-010 CURITIBA-PARANA, BRAZIL, 2021)Abstract Improving the accuracy of protein secondary structure prediction has been an important task in bioinformatics since it is not only the starting point in obtaining tertiary structure in hierarchical modeling but ... -
Fast computation of Katz index for efficient processing of link prediction queries
(SPRINGERVAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, 2021)Network proximity computations are among the most common operations in various data mining applications, including link prediction and collaborative filtering. A common measure of network proximity is Katz index, which has ... -
Big Data acquired by Internet of Things-enabled industrial multichannel wireless sensors networks for active monitoring and control in the smart grid Industry 4.0
(ELSEVIERRADARWEG 29, 1043 NX AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 2021)Smart Grid Industry 4.0 (SGI4.0) defines a new paradigm to provide high-quality electricity at a low cost by reacting quickly and effectively to changing energy demands in the highly volatile global markets. However, in ... -
Handling incomplete data classification using imputed feature selected bagging (IFBag) method
(IOS PRESSNIEUWE HEMWEG 6B, 1013 BG AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 2021)Almost all real-world datasets contain missing values. Classification of data with missing values can adversely affect the performance of a classifier if not handled correctly. A common approach used for classification ... -
Correlation of PAPP-A values with maternal characteristics, biochemical and ultrasonographic markers of pregnancy
(MARMARA UNIV, FAC MEDICINEHAYDARPASA, ISTAN, 34668, TURKEY, 2021)Objective: Our aim is to investigate whether there is a correlation of pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) values with other variables in pregnancy and maternal characteristics. Materials and Methods: We ... -
Application of Biological Domain Knowledge Based Feature Selection on Gene Expression Data
(MDPIST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLAND, 2021)In the last two decades, there have been massive advancements in high throughput technologies, which resulted in the exponential growth of public repositories of gene expression datasets for various phenotypes. It is ... -
Sleep-aware wavelength and bandwidth assignment scheme for TWDM PON
(SPRINGERVAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, 2021)The energy efficiency and delay performance of PON are two inversely related phenomena. Higher sleep time of the Optical Network Units (ONUs) results in higher upstream (US) delays due to increased traffic queues during ... -
Node similarity-based graph convolution for link prediction in biological networks
(OXFORD UNIV PRESSGREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND, 2021)Background: Link prediction is an important and well-studied problem in network biology. Recently, graph representation learning methods, including Graph Convolutional Network (GCN)-based node embedding have drawn increasing ... -
Node-Level Error Control Strategies for Prolonging the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks
(IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC445 HOES LANE, PISCATAWAY, NJ 08855-4141, 2021)In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), energy-efficiency and reliability are two critical requirements for attaining a long-term stable communication performance. Using error control (EC) methods is a promising technique to ... -
Machine-Generated Hierarchical Structure of Human Activities to Reveal How Machines Think
(IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC445 HOES LANE, PISCATAWAY, NJ 08855-4141, 2021)Deep-learning based computer vision models have proved themselves to be ground-breaking approaches to human activity recognition (HAR). However, most existing works are dedicated to improve the prediction accuracy through ... -
miRcorrNet: machine learning-based integration of miRNA and mRNA expression profiles, combined with feature grouping and ranking
(PEERJ INC341-345 OLD ST, THIRD FLR, LONDON EC1V 9LL, ENGLAND, 2021)A better understanding of disease development and progression mechanisms at the molecular level is critical both for the diagnosis of a disease and for the development of therapeutic approaches. The advancements in high ... -
IGPRED: Combination of convolutional neural and graph convolutional networks for protein secondary structure prediction
(WILEY111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ, 2021)There is a close relationship between the tertiary structure and the function of a protein. One of the important steps to determine the tertiary structure is protein secondary structure prediction (PSSP). For this reason, ... -
Discovering Potential Taxonomic Biomarkers of Type 2 Diabetes From Human Gut Microbiota via Different Feature Selection Methods
(FRONTIERS MEDIA SAAVENUE DU TRIBUNAL FEDERAL 34, LAUSANNE CH-1015, SWITZERLAND, 2021)Human gut microbiota is a complex community of organisms including trillions of bacteria. While these microorganisms are considered as essential regulators of our immune system, some of them can cause several diseases. In ... -
SVM-RCE-R-OPT: Optimization of Scoring Function for SVM-RCE-R
(SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AGGEWERBESTRASSE 11, CHAM, CH-6330, SWITZERLAND, 2021)Gene expression data classification provides a challenge in classification due to it having high dimensionality and a relatively small sample size. Different feature selection approaches have been used to overcome this ... -
Integrating Gene Ontology Based Grouping and Ranking into the Machine Learning Algorithm for Gene Expression Data Analysis
(SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AGGEWERBESTRASSE 11, CHAM, CH-6330, SWITZERLAND, 2021)Recent advances in the high throughput technologies resulted in the production of large gene expression data sets for several phenotypes. Via comparing the gene expression levels under different conditions, such as disease ...