Browsing Fakülteler by Title
Now showing items 155-174 of 1884
Ball Lens Based Mobile Microscope
(GAZI UNIVCENTER CAMPUS TECHNOLOGY FAC B BLOCK EK BINA, 2ND FL, ANKARA, 06500, TURKEY, 2016)In this paper we report a low cost, simple and mobile microscope based on attachment of a ball lens to a cell phone. The system's noise and parameters affecting the image quality is investigated. The ball lens provides ... -
Barriers and facilitators to university access in disadvantaged UK adolescents by ethnicity: a qualitative study
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXON, 2022)Increasing access to university for those currently under-represented is a UK government priority. Understanding the views of under-represented students can help direct widening participation activities. In recent years, a ... -
Barriers To Strategy Implementation In Turkey's Healthcare Industry: Hospital Manager Perspectives
(TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2021)Although strategy implementation has profound implications for delivering efficient service, it has been largely neglected in the healthcare management literature. This study explores the barriers to effective implementation ... -
A battery-friendly data acquisition model for vehicular speed estimation
(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTDTHE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND, 2016)Modeling traffic flow and gathering accurate traffic congestion information are two challenging problems in smart transportation systems. Most of the traffic flow models and velocity estimation methodologies that have been ... -
Batık Minarelerde Su Seviyesinin Yapıya Olan Etkisinin Sayısal Olarak İncelenmesi
(Iğdır Üniversitesi, 2021)Baraj göllerinin, sular altında bıraktığı yerleşim yerlerinin, su üstünde kalan son mirasları minarelerdir. Türkiye’de iki adet batık minare bulunmaktadır ve su üstünden görülebilmeleri ile cazibe merkezleri haline ... -
BAUM-2: a multilingual audio-visual affective face database
(Kluwer Academic Publishers(SpringerLink), 2015)Access to audio-visual databases, which contain enough variety and are richly annotated is essential to assess the performance of algorithms in affective computing applications, which require emotion recognition from face ... -
Bazı geleneksel Türk gıdalarından laktik asit bakterilerinin izolasyonu
(2021)Amaç: Bu çalışma ülkemizde geleneksel yöntemlerle üretilen gıda ürünlerindenlaktik asit bakterilerinin izolasyonunu ve tanımlanmasını sağlamak amacıylayapılmıştır.Materyal ve Yöntem: Çalışma kapsamında Van otlu peynir ve ... -
Benzotiyeno[3,2-B][1]Benzotiyofen (BTBT) Tabanlı, Yüksek Performanslı N-Tipi/Ambipolar Yarı-İletkenlerin Geliştirilmesi Ve Yüksek Hızda Alan-Etkili Transistör (OFET) Uygulamaları
(TUBİTAK, 2019)Bu projede, daha önce literatürde bulunmayan, özgün kimyasal yapılara sahip 6 farklı düşük LUMO’lu BTBT-tabanlı yarı-iletken moleküler malzeme quantum mekaniksel hesaplamalarla teorik olarak tasarlanmış ve sentezlenmiştir. ... -
Berberine-containing natural-medicine with boiled peanut-OIT induces sustained peanut-tolerance associated with distinct microbiota signature
(FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2023)BackgroundGut microbiota influence food allergy. We showed that the natural compound berberine reduces IgE and others reported that BBR alters gut microbiota implying a potential role for microbiota changes in BBR function. ... -
(Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, 2022)Bu çalışmada, beton dayanım özellikleri yüzey tepki yöntemi, genetik algoritma ve yapay sinir ağları yöntemleri ile tahmin edilmiştir. Altı farklı beton agregası kullanılarak küp (10x10x10 cm) ve prizmatik (15x15x60 cm) ... -
Beyond counting the correct responses: Metacognitive monitoring and score estimations in mathematics
(WILEY111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ, 2022)This study investigated how well students differentiate their responses' accuracies (metacognitive monitoring) and estimate their test scores beyond counting—and counting on—the number of correct responses alone. ... -
Beyond Illegality: The Gendered (In-)Securities of Illegal Armenian Care Workers in Turkey
(Ankara Üniversitesi KASAUM, 2018)In the migration literature, there has been a shift of interest from studying exclusionary policies ofstates that result in the criminalization of ‘illegal’ migrants towards more subtle forms of incorporation.In this paper, ... -
Beyond Moral Foundations: In it What is in it
(Nesne, 2023)What does morality entail? This question has been answered with a rather narrow outlook in psychological literature for years that is not harming and being fair. With the advance of research on recent decades, the understanding ... -
A bi-criteria approach to scheduling in the face of uncertainty: Considering robustness and stability simultaneously
(Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2014)It is possible to scrutinize impacts of uncertainty on schedules from two different perspectives. The flrst one has to do with the fact that schedules are required to main- tain high performance in the face of uncertainty. ... -
Bidding for Olympic and Paralympic games, a tool for transportation investments and tourism? The case of Istanbul
(Routledge, 2023)Since the start of the modern Olympic Games, and more recently the Paralympic Games, urban development linked to this mega-event has changed: the mono-stadium model typical of the early modern Games has been replaced by ... -
Big Data acquired by Internet of Things-enabled industrial multichannel wireless sensors networks for active monitoring and control in the smart grid Industry 4.0
(ELSEVIERRADARWEG 29, 1043 NX AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 2021)Smart Grid Industry 4.0 (SGI4.0) defines a new paradigm to provide high-quality electricity at a low cost by reacting quickly and effectively to changing energy demands in the highly volatile global markets. However, in ... -
Big datasets of optical-wireless cyber-physical systems for optimizing manufacturing services in the internet of things-enabled industry 4.0
(ELSEVIER, 2022)The Industry 4.0 revolution is aimed to optimize the prod- uct design according to the customers’ demand, quality re- quirements and economic feasibility. Industry 4.0 employs advanced two-way communication technologies ... -
Bio-inspired routing protocol for WSN-based smart grid applications in the context of Industry 4.0
(WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, 2019)Recently, the advences of Industry 4.0 have paved the way for a systematical deployment of the smart grid (SG) to manage continuously growing energy demand of the 21st century. This even allows the fourth stage of the ... -
Biochemical, pharmacological, and toxicological attributes of caper (Capparis ovata) flowering buds and berries pickles
(WILEY, 2022)Capparis ovata is a natural plant that grows widely in Turkey and its flowering buds and berry pickle are used in traditional medicine. Thus, the current study was expanded to evaluate the biochemical, pharmacological, ... -
Biodiversity, drug discovery, and the future of global health: Introducing the biodiversity to biomedicine consortium, a call to action