Browsing Fakülteler by Title
Now showing items 370-389 of 1886
Dalgıç Pompa Uygulamaları İçin Doğrudan Yol Vermeli Senkron Relüktans Motorunun Tasarım Optimizasyonu Ve Gerçeklemesi
(ELEKTRİK, ELEKTRONİK VE ENFORMATİK ARAŞTIRMA DESTEK GRUBU GRUBU: EEEAG, 2023)Günümüzde doğal kaynakların korunması ve enerji maliyetlerinin düşürülmesi için enerji kayıplarının azaltılması ortak bir amaç olarak görülmektedir. Elektrik tahrik sistemlerinin küresel enerji tüketiminin yaklaşık %40?ını ... -
A Data Mining Method For Refining Groups In Data Using Dynamic Model Based Clustering
(IEEE, 2013)A new data mining method is proposed for determining the number and structure of clusters, and refining groups in multivariate heterogeneous data set including groups, partly and completely overlapped group structures ... -
Data Mining Techniques in Direct Marketing on Imbalanced Data using Tomek Link Combined with Random Under-sampling
(Association for Computing Machinery, 2021)Determining the potential customers is very important in direct marketing. Data mining techniques are one of the most important methods for companies to determine potential customers. However, since the number of potential ... -
Data-driven discovery and DFT modeling of Fe4H on the atomistic level
(ELSEVIER, 2024)Since their discovery, iron and hydrogen have been two of the most interesting elements in scientific research, with a variety of known and postulated compounds and applications. Of special interest in materials engineering ... -
Dayım: Bir İnsanoğlunun Portresi
(TURKISH LIBRARIANS ASSOC, YENISEHIR, NECATIBEY CAD, ELGIN SOK, PO BOX 175, ANKARA, 06440, TURKEY, 2019)This is a memoir written by his nephew about our colleague Ali Can, who passed away in last July. -
Debris flow modelling and hazard assessment for a glacier area: a case study in Barsem, Tajikistan
(SPRINGER, 2023)This study analyses a previous debris fow hazard as a consequence of emerging risks related to climate and regional physical changes. In addition to the increasing food frequencies, there is an increasing risk of mud or ... -
A decision support system for the prediction of mortality in patients with acute kidney injury admitted in intensive care unit
(UNIV SOUTH BOHEMIA, FAC HEALTH & SOCIAL STUD, JIROVCOVA, CESKA BUDEJOVICE, 370 04, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2020)Intensive care unit (ICU) is a very special unit of a hospital, where healthcare professionals provide treatment and, later, close followup to the patients. It is crucial to estimate mortality in ICU patients from many ... -
A Deep Ensemble Approach for Long-Term Traffic Flow Prediction
(SPRINGER, 2024)In the last 50 years, with the growth of cities and increase in the number of vehicles and mobility, traffic has become troublesome. As a result, traffic flow prediction started to attract attention as an important research ... -
A deep learning approach with Bayesian optimization and ensemble classifiers for detecting denial of service attacks
(WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, 2020)Detecting malicious behavior is important for preventing security threats in a computer network. Denial of Service (DoS) is among the popular cyber attacks targeted at web sites of high-profile organizations and can ... -
Deep learning approaches for vehicle type classification with 3-D magnetic sensor
(ELSEVIER, 2022)In the Intelligent Transportation Systems, it is crucial to determine the type of vehicles to improve traffic management, increase human comfort, and enable future development of transport infrastructures. This paper presents ... -
Deep Learning Based Employee Attrition Prediction
(SPRINGER LINK, 2023)Employee attrition is a critical issue for the business sectors as leaving employees cause various types of difficulties for the company. Some studies exist on examining the reasons for this phenomenon and predicting it ... -
Deep Learning Based Formation Control of Drones
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)Robot swarms can accomplish demanding missions fast, efficiently, and accurately. For a robust operation, robot swarms need to be equipped with reliable localization algorithms. Usually, the global positioning system (GPS) ... -
Deep learning based semantic segmentation and quantification for MRD biochip images
(ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2022)Microfluidic platforms offer prominent advantages for the early detection of cancer and monitoring the patient response to therapy. Numerous microfluidic platforms have been developed for capturing and quantifying the tumor ... -
A deep neural network approach with hyper-parameter optimization for vehicle type classification using 3-D magnetic sensor
(ELSEVIER, 2023)The identification of vehicle types plays a critical role in Intelligent Transportation Systems. In this study, battery-operated, easy-to-install, low-cost 3-D magnetic traffic sensors have been developed for vehicle type ... -
Deep-Red-Emitting Colloidal Quantum Well Light-Emitting Diodes Enabled through a Complex Design of Core/Crown/Double Shell Heterostructure
(WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBHPOSTFACH 101161, 69451 WEINHEIM, GERMANY, 2021)Extending the emission peak wavelength of quasi-2D colloidal quantum wells has been an important quest to fully exploit the potential of these materials, which has not been possible due to the complications arising from ... -
Deformation behavior of nanostructured aluminum: Experiment and computational study
(Elsevier Ltd, 2023)Nanocrystalline metals have been processed from powder predecessors in recent times in significant ways, and nowadays, materials are starting to be manufactured which are not only strong but also ductile. Nanocrystalline ... -
Deformation characteristics of medium-dense sand-clay mixtures under a principal stress rotation
(ELSEVIERRADARWEG 29, 1043 NX AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 2021)A moving wheel load induces a principal stress rotation (PSR) in pavement foundation geomaterials including subgrade/subbase soils. Simulating such a stress condition is not possible with stress path tests conducted with ... -
Değişen Yükseköğretim Sistemini Sosyokültürel ve Mekânsal Bağlamlarda Yeniden Düşünmek
(Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi, 2020)Eğitim-öğretim ve araştırma-geliştirme; toplumların ilerlemesinde ve gelişmesinde vazgeçilmez bir unsurdur. Üniversiteler bu işlevleri en üst düzeyde karşılayan kurumlar olmakla birlikte, değişen sosyokültürel yapı ve ... -
Değişen Yükseköğretim Sistemini Sosyokültürel ve Mekânsal Bağlamlarda Yeniden Düşünmek
(DEOMED PUBL, ISTANBUL, GUR SOK 7-B, FIKIRTEPE 34720 KADIKOY, ISTANBUL, 00000, TURKEY, 2020)Education and research are vital for social development and progress. The changing sociocultural structures and new needs have resulted in some important functional changes in higher education systems with a deep impact ... -
Deneysel Çalışma Ekonomisi: İşgücü Arzı ve Hediye-değişim Teorisi Üzerine Bir Literatür Taraması
(Gazi Kitabevi, 2021)Bilimsel gelişme için, geliştirilen teorilerin test edilmesine ve teorileri test edebilmek için de verilere ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır (Falk ve Fehr, 2003). Ekonomi bilimi de bu süreçle ilerlemektedir. Ancak gündelik hayatın ...