Browsing Fakülteler by Title
Now showing items 1855-1874 of 1886
Waste Lead-Acid Battery Recycling Technologies
(SPRINGER LINK, 2023)The growing of collected waste lead-acid battery quantity means the growing demand for secondary lead (Pb) material for car batteries, both needed for increased cars’ production and for replacing of waste batteries for the ... -
A way forward in reducing carbon emissions in environmentally friendly countries: the role of green growth and environmental taxes
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, 2022)Given recent environmental reforms and the focus on the problem of climate change, it is necessary to evaluate whether green growth and environmental taxes can reduce CO2 emissions for countries. Even though a number of ... -
WDR31 displays functional redundancy with GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) ELMOD and RP2 in regulating IFT complex and recruiting the BBSome to cilium
(LIFE SCIENCE ALLIANCE LLC, 2023)The correct intraflagellar transport (IFT) assembly at the ciliary base and the IFT turnaround at the ciliary tip are key for the IFT to perform its function, but we still have poor understanding about how these processes ... -
What are the key success factors for strategy formulation and implementation? Perspectives of managers in the hotel industry
(ELSEVIER SCI LTD, THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND, 2020)This study investigates how hotel managers describe strategy and identify key success factors for its formulation and implementation. The study analyzes qualitative data collected through semi-structured interviews with ... -
What Does the Bibliometrics of an Interdisciplinary Field Tell Us?: The Case of Cognitive Science
(Seoul National University, Institute for Cognitive Science, 2023)This study investigated the bibliometric characteristics of an interdisciplinary field, Cognitive Science, which consists of contributions from diverse fields such as psychology, computer science, philosophy, linguistics, ... -
What does the water inside the brain tell us? Diffusion tensor imaging
(SCIENDO, DE GRUYTER POLAND SP Z O O, BOGUMILA ZUGA 32A STR, 01-811 WARSAW, POLAND, 2018)The brain consist of about 75 percent water. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is an advanced magnetic resonance (MR) technique imaging that has been developed for diagnostic and research in medicine. It can be use DTI ... -
"What if you are a medieval monarch?": A Crusader Kings III experience to learn medieval history
(De Gruyter, 2022)This chapter is about the authors' experiences and observations on a blended world history course that combines classical lecture and discussion components of teaching with video game sessions. The students play strategy ... -
When the railway reached Istanbul: the making of Sirkeci terminus, 1870-1888
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXON, ENGLAND, 2018)Since its establishment as a capital city, the historical topography of Istanbul has witnessed significant changes, created not only by devastating earthquakes and fires, but also by the implementation of large-scale ... -
Whether and when did bitcoin sentiment matter for investors? Before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
(SPRINGER, 2023)Using a wavelet coherence approach, this study investigates the relationship between Bitcoin return and Bitcoin-specifc sentiment from January 1, 2016 to June 30, 2021, covering the COVID-19 pandemic period. The results ... -
Which households are more energy vulnerable? Energy poverty and financial inclusion in Turkey
(ELSEVIERRADARWEG 29, 1043 NX AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 2021)This study examines the effects of financial inclusion on energy poverty using the 2018 Turkish Household Budget and Consumption Expenditure Surveys. The study adopts three different measures of energy poverty and then ... -
Why are Faculty Unfavorably Disposed to MOOCs? - A Sharing of Views by Chinese Hospitality Educators
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXON, ENGLAND, 2021)This study explores the negative disposition of many hospitality higher education faculty toward MOOCs, an increasingly prominent delivery mode in pedagogical discourse which potentially enriches student learning. Such ... -
Why Do Muse Stem Cells Present an Enduring Stress Capacity? Hints from a Comparative Proteome Analysis
(MDPIST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLAND, 2021)Muse cells are adult stem cells that are present in the stroma of several organs and possess an enduring capacity to cope with endogenous and exogenous genotoxic stress. In cell therapy, the peculiar biological properties ... -
Wind farm site selection using GIS-based multicriteria analysis with Life cycle assessment integration
(SPRINGER, 2024)The sustainability of wind power plants depends on the selection of suitable installation locations, which should consider not only economic and technical factors including manufacturing and raw materials, but also issues ... -
Wind turbine inspection with drone: Advantages and disadvantages
(Erol Kurt, 2023)The facilities on wind energy generation are increasingly finding usage areas in line with the ecologically friendly energy generation approach. One of the important activities of wind power generation facilities, which ... -
Wireless Measurement of Elastic and Plastic Deformation by a Metamaterial-Based Sensor
(MDPI, ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLAND, 2014)We report remote strain and displacement measurement during elastic and plastic deformation using a metamaterial-based wireless and passive sensor. The sensor is made of a comb-like nested split ring resonator (NSRR) probe ... -
Wireless MEMS for smart grids
(WOODHEAD PUBL LTDABINGTON HALL ABINGTON, CAMBRIDGE CB1 6AH, CAMBS, ENGLAND, 2017)Different from the past, nowadays, consumers demand more flexibility and control in managing their electricity use and are aware of the impacts of the electricity system on the environment. Due to this change in the use ... -
Wireless Sensing in Complex Electromagnetic Media: Construction Materials and Structural Monitoring
(IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 445 HOES LANE, PISCATAWAY, NJ 08855-4141 USA, 2015)In this paper, wireless sensing in the presence of complex electromagnetic media created by combinations of reinforcing bars and concrete is investigated. The wireless displacement sensing system, primarily designed for ... -
Wireless sensor network-based communication for cooperative simultaneous localization and mapping
(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2015)This paper presents a novel approach of using a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) as the communication means for Multi-Robot, Cooperative, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (CSLAM) applications investigating the associated ... -
Women's Tertiary Education Masks the Gender Wage Gap in Turkey
(SPRINGERONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, NY 10004, UNITED STATES, 2017)This paper investigates the gender wage gap for full-time formal sector employees, disaggregated by education level. The gap between the labor force participation rate of women with tertiary education and those with lower ... -
Workplace diversity and intercultural communication: A phenomenological study
(TAYLOR & FRANCIS ASKARL JOHANS GATE 5, NO-0154 OSLO, NORWAY, 2017)For decades, the United States has seen an increasing number of immigrants, which has led to a significant increase in cultural diversity in the United States. This phenomenological study examines the contextual history ...