Browsing WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 763-782 of 1216
Nanosecond colloidal quantum dot lasers for sensing
(OPTICAL SOC AMER, 2010 MASSACHUSETTS AVE NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, 2014)Low-threshold, gain switched colloidal quantum dot (CQD) distributed-feedback lasers operating in the nanosecond regime are reported and proposed for sensing applications for the first time to the authors' knowledge. The ... -
Nanostructured organic semiconductor films for molecular detection with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
(NATURE RESEARCHHEIDELBERGER PLATZ 3, BERLIN 14197, GERMANY, 2017)pi-Conjugated organic semiconductors have been explored in several optoelectronic devices, yet their use in molecular detection as surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)-active platforms is unknown. Herein, we demonstrate ... -
Nanostructured superhydrophobic organic semiconductor films enable sub-zeptomole level molecular sensing in surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
(AMER CHEMICAL SOC1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, 2017)Nanostructured superhydrophobic organic semiconductor films enable sub-zeptomole level molecular sensing in surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy -
Nanowire-Shaped MoS2@MoO3 Nanocomposites as a Hole Injection Layer for Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes
(AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2022)Molybdenum disulfides and molybdenum trioxides are structures that possess the potential to work as efficient charge transport layers in optoelectronic devices. In the present study, as opposed to the existing Mo-based ... -
Natural diterpenoid alysine A isolated from Teucrium alyssifolium exerts antidiabetic effect via enhanced glucose uptake and suppressed glucose absorption
(SCIENTIFIC TECHNICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TURKEY-TUBITAK, ATATURK BULVARI NO 221, KAVAKLIDERE, TR-06100 ANKARA, TURKEY, 2019)Teucrium species have been used in folk medicine as antidiabetic, antiinflammatory, antiulcer, and antibacterial agents. We have explored in vitro antidiabetic impacts of 2 natural diterpenoids, alysine A and alysine B, ... -
Natural Molecule-Incorporated Magnetic Organic-Inorganic Nanoflower: Investigation of Its Dual Fenton Reaction-Dependent Enzyme-Like Catalytic Activities with Cyclic Use
(WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, 2023)The functional organic-inorganic hybrid nanoflowers (hNFs) have recently attracted considerable attention due to enhanced catalytic activity and stability. The main purpose of this study is to synthesize new Fenton reagents ... -
Natural Wax-Stabilized Perovskite Nanocrystals as Pen-on-Paper Inks and Doughs
(AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2022)Perovskite nanocrystals (PNCs) are emerging luminescent materials for a wide range of technological applications. The broad adaptation of PNCs will be greatly improved by addressing their intrinsically low stability and ... -
NeRNA: A negative data generation framework for machine learning applications of noncoding RNAs
(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2023)Many supervised machine learning based noncoding RNA (ncRNA) analysis methods have been developed to classify and identify novel sequences. During such analysis, the positive learning datasets usually consist of known ... -
Network anomaly detection using Deep Autoencoder and parallel Artificial Bee Colony algorithm-trained neural network
(PEERJ INC, 2024)Cyberattacks are increasingly becoming more complex, which makes intrusion detection extremely difficult. Several intrusion detection approaches have been developed in the literature and utilized to tackle computer security ... -
Network cost allocation methods for pay-as-bid peer-to-peer energy trading: A comparison
(ELSEVIER, 2022)In pay-as-bid peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading, various types of prosumers and consumers can participate, regardless of their offers. Thus, various types of participants impact the network differently. However, very few ... -
Networking and communications for smart cities special issue editorial
(ELSEVIER, 2015)Our society is facing an unprecedented massive urbanization. At the time of writing, 54% of the world’s population lives in urban areas (with an 82% peak in North America), opposed to only 30% in 1950. Reports [1] predict ... -
Neuro-Fuzzy-Based Model Predictive Energy Management for Grid Connected Microgrids
(MDPI, ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLAND, 2020)With constant population growth and the rise in technology use, the demand for electrical energy has increased significantly. Increasing fossil-fuel-based electricity generation has serious impacts on environment. As a ... -
New 4D and 3D models of chaotic systems developed from the dynamic behavior of nuclear reactors
(AIP Publishing, 2022)The complex, highly nonlinear dynamic behavior of nuclear reactors can be captured qualitatively by novel four-dimensional (that is, fourth order) and three-dimensional (that is, third order) models of chaotic systems and ... -
A new approach for development of vaccine against visceral leishmaniasis: Lipophosphoglycan and polyacrylic acid conjugates
(ELSEVIER SCI LTD, THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND, 2017)Objective: To determine the antileishmanial vaccine effectiveness of lipophosphoglycan (LPG) and polyacrylic acids (PAA) conjugates on in vivo mice models. Methods: LPG molecule was isolated and purified from large-scale ... -
A new approaching method for linear neutral delay differential equations by using Clique polynomials
(TUBİTAK, 2023)This article presents an efficient method for obtaining approximations for the solutions of linear neutral delay differential equations. This numerical matrix method, based on collocation points, begins by approximating ... -
A new efficient error control algorithm for wireless sensor networks in smart grid
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 2019)Error detection and correction is an important issue in the design and maintenance of a smart grid communication network to provide reliable communication between sender and receiver. Various error-control coding techniques ... -
New high-pressure phase of MgH2: An ab initio constant-pressure study
(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2014)The stability of magnesium hydride (MgH2) at high pressure is studied using a constant-pressure ab initio technique. Two phase transformations are successfully observed through the simulations. The rutile structure undergoes ... -
New method for measuring the temperature change of photothermal Au nanostructures using smart polymers
(AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2015)... -
New modeling of reconfigurable microstrip antenna using hybrid structure of simulation driven and knowledge based artificial neural networks
(PAMUKKALE UNIV, CAMPUS INCILIPINAR, DENIZLI, 20020, TURKEY, 2020)Knowledge-based modeling has a critical role to embed existing knowledge to improve modeling performance. Since reconfigurable antenna can provide more operational frequencies than the classical antennas, a knowledge-based ... -
A new oval shaft, high performance, 2 pole line start synchronous reluctance machine for submersible pump applications
(IOS Press BV, 2022)In this paper, a 2 pole, 4 kW, 6 inches diameter line start synchronous reluctance machine (LS-SynRM) as a submersible water pump motor is designed and optimized with a new oval shaft structure. The aim is to improve the ...