Browsing WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 944-963 of 1216
Race and energy poverty: Evidence from African-American households
(ELSEVIER, 2022)Even though energy poverty has been widely discussed in many countries, only a few studies attempt to understand the nexus of race and energy poverty. To fill the gap in the literature, this study analyses the effect ... -
Radio Communications Interdiction Problem under deterministic and probabilistic jamming
(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND, 2019)The Radio Communications Interdiction Problem (RCIP) seeks to identify the locations of transmitters on the battlefield that will lead to a robust radio communications network by anticipating the effects of intentional ... -
RAFT-mediated synthesis of poly(N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide-b-4-vinylpyridine) by conventional and microwave heating
(SPRINGERONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, NY 10004, UNITED STATES, 2013)We report the synthesis of N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide (HPMA) macroCTA and HPMA-b-4-Vinylpyridine block copolymers via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) reaction. Polymerization was carried out ... -
Rapport, motivation, participation, and perceptions of learning in U.S. and Turkish student classrooms: a replication and cultural comparison
(SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSN5105 BACKLICK RD, ANNANDALE, VA 22003, 2017)Building on previous rapport research, Hofstede's dimensions of culture, and calls for culture-centered instructional research, this study examined instructor-student rapport in U.S. and Turkish college classrooms. U. S. ... -
Rare disaster and renewable energy in the USA: new insights from wavelet coherence and rolling-window analysis
(SPRINGER, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600, NEW YORK, NY, UNITED STATES, 2020)The increasing trend of economic and political crises in different parts of the world has made global economies highly vulnerable because of having globally as well as regionally integrated economic systems. In such an ... -
A rational utilization of reinforcement material for flexural design of 3D-printed composite beams
(SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLAND, 2019)Recent developments in composite industry address the adaptation of 3D printing technology to overcome the design and manufacturing challenges of the traditional composite processing techniques. This adaptation can be ... -
Re-estimating the interconnectedness between the demand of energy consumption, income, and sustainability indices
(SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANY, 2019)In this study, we analyze the time-varying causality linkages between energy consumption, economic growth, and environmental degradation in 33 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries, spanning the ... -
Re-mapping urban vitality through Jane Jacobs' criteria: The case of Kayseri, Turkey
(ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2022)There has been a growing debate in recent decades about the view of city and urban theory. The scope of this discussion has expanded with many different claims about the variable structure of the city and urban society, the ... -
Reaction kinetics and properties of pumice-based geopolymer systems cured at room temperature
(ELSEVIER, 2023)This research investigated the kinetics of pumice-based geopolymer systems and their physical and mechanical properties. The effect of the Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio of geopolymer systems on the rate of heat evolution and total heat ... -
Real representatives of equisingular strata of simple quartic surfaces
(WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 5 TOH TUCK LINK, SINGAPORE 596224, SINGAPORE, 2019)We develop an algorithm detecting real representatives in equisingular strata of projective models of K3-surfaces. We apply this algorithm to spatial quartics and find two new examples of real strata without real ... -
Real-time energy management in an off-grid smart home: Flexible demand side control with electric vehicle and green hydrogen production
(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2023)A real-time energy management system for an off-grid smart home is presented in this paper. The primary energy sources for the system are wind turbine and photovoltaics, with a fuel cell serving as a supporting energy ... -
Real-Time Robotic Car Control Using Brainwaves and Head Movement
(IEEE, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA, 2018)Emotiv Epoc Headset is a portable and low-cost device. In this study, Emotiv Epoc headset was used in order to obtain real-time gyro and EEG signals. The aim of this study was to control a robotic car in real-time by using ... -
Rec. 2100 color gamut revelation using spectrally ultranarrow emitters
(SPIE-SOC PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98225, 2017)We theoretically simulate the performance of ultranarrow emitters for the first time to achieve record high coverage for the International Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication Sector BT. 2100 (Rec. 2100) and National ... -
Recent Advances in Machine Learning for Network Automation in the O-RAN
(MDPI, 2023)The evolution of network technologies has witnessed a paradigm shift toward open and intelligent networks, with the Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) architecture emerging as a promising solution. O-RAN introduces ... -
Record High External Quantum Efficiency of 19.2% Achieved in Light-Emitting Diodes of Colloidal Quantum Wells Enabled by Hot-Injection Shell Growth
(WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, POSTFACH 101161, 69451 WEINHEIM, GERMANY, 2020)Colloidal quantum wells (CQWs) are regarded as a highly promising class of optoelectronic materials, thanks to their unique excitonic characteristics of high extinction coefficients and ultranarrow emission bandwidths. ... -
Recovery of caustic from mercerizing wastewaters of a denim textile mill
(DESALINATION PUBL, 2015)The objective of this study was to evaluate caustic recovery from mercerizing wastewater originating from a denim textile producing plant using membrane technology. For this purpose, ultrafiltration (UF) and nanofiltration ... -
Recovery of Lead and Zinc from a Citric Leach Solution of a Non-sulfide Type Ore Flotation Tailing via Precipitation Followed by Solvent Extraction
(SPRINGER, 2023)The recovery of zinc (Zn) and lead (Pb) from a citric leach solution of a non-sulfide type ore flotation tailing was examined utilizing sulfuric acid precipitation followed by solvent extraction using di(2-ethylhexyl) ... -
Recovery of Lithium from Spent Coin-Type Lithium Manganese Dioxide CR Cells by Acidic Leaching in the Presence of Potassium Permanganate as Oxidant
(SPRINGER LINK, 2023)The selective leaching of lithium from spent coin-type lithium manganese dioxide CR cells by oxidative leaching and precipitation of Li2CO3 from Libearing leach solution has been experimentally and theoretically investigated. ... -
Recovery of Manganese from Spent Batteries Using Activated Carbon Powder as Reductant in Sulfuric Acid Solution
(ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 11/100 RAJENDRA NAGAR, SECTOR 3,, SAHIBABAD 201 005, GHAZIABAD, INDIA, 2013)Recovery of manganese from spent batteries was investigated using activated carbon powder as a reducing agent in sulfuric acid solution. The effects of four different leaching parameters (sulfuric acid concentration, amount ... -
Recovery of Vanadium and Nickel from a High CaCO3 Containing Petroleum Coke Ash by Roasting and Acidic Leaching
(SPRINGER, 2023)In this study, it was aimed to extract vanadium (V) and nickel (Ni) from a petroleum coke ash (PCA) using a roasting process without additives, followed by leaching with sulfuric acid (H2SO4). The experiments were designed ...