Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Next Generation Networks for Telecommunications Operators Providing Services to Transnational Smart Grid Operators
(IEEE, 2015)
Due to the networking expertise, services and technical support of telecommunications operators, Smart Grid (SG) operators prefer telecommunications operators for their communications needs instead of creating private ...
PI-controlled ANN-based Energy Consumption Forecasting for Smart Grids
(IEEE, 2015)
Although Smart Grid (SG) transformation brings many advantages to electric utilities, the longstanding challenge for all them is to supply electricity at the lowest cost. In addition, currently, the electric utilities must ...
Performance Evaluations of Next Generation Networks for Smart Grid Applications
(IEEE, 2015)
Smart Grid (SG) can be described as the concept of
modernizing the traditional electrical grid. Through the addition
of SG technologies traditional electrical grids become more
flexible, robust and interactive, and are ...