Browsing Bilgisayar Bilimleri Fakültesi/Faculty of Computer Sciences by Author "Karakoç, Battal Gazi"
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
A numerical investigation of the GRLW equation using lumped Galerkin approach with cubic B-spline
Zeybek, Halil; Karakoç, Battal Gazi (Springer, 2016)In this work, we construct the lumped Galerkin approach based on cubic B-splines to obtain the numerical solution of the generalized regularized long wave equation. Applying the von Neumann approximation, it is shown that ... -
Numerical solutions of the kawahara equation by the septic B-spline collocation method
Karakoç, Battal Gazi; Zeybek, Halil; Ak, Turgut (International Academic Press, 2014)In this article, a numerical solution of the Kawahara equation is presented by septic B-spline collocation method. Applying the Von-Neumann stability analysis, the present method is shown to be unconditionally stable. The ...