Browsing Bilgisayar Bilimleri Fakültesi/Faculty of Computer Sciences by Author "Tor, Ali Hakan"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Comparative assessment of smooth and non-smooth optimization solvers in HANSO software
Tor, Ali Hakan (Balikesir University, 2022)The aim of this study is to compare the performance of smooth and nonsmooth optimization solvers from HANSO (Hybrid Algorithm for Nonsmooth Optimization) software. The smooth optimization solver is the implementation of ... -
An introduction to non-smooth convex analysis via multiplicative derivative
Tor, Ali Hakan (TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OR14 4RN, OXON, ENGLAND, 2019)In this study, *-directional derivative and *-subgradient are defined using the multiplicative derivative, making a new contribution to non-Newtonian calculus for use in non-smooth analysis. As for directional derivative ... -
A Modified Multiple Shooting Algorithm for Parameter Estimation in ODEs Using Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis
Aydogmus, Ozgur; Tor, Ali Hakan (ELSEVIER SCIENCE INCSTE 800, 230 PARK AVE, NEW YORK, NY 10169, 2021)To increase the predictive power of a model, one needs to estimate its unknown parameters. Almost all parameter estimation techniques in ordinary differential equation models suffer from either a small convergence region ...