Taking advantage of a diverse set of efficient production schedules: A two-step approach for scheduling with side concerns
In many practical scheduling problems, the concerns of the decision-maker may not be all known in
advance and therefore may not be included in the initial problem definition as an objective function
and/or as constraints. In such a case, the usual techniques of multi-objective optimization become
inapplicable. To cope with this problem and to facilitate handling the concerns of the decision-maker,
which can be implicit or qualitative, a dedicated methodological framework is needed. In this paper we
propose a new two-step framework. First, we aim at obtaining a set of schedules that can be considered
efficient with respect to a performance measure and at the same time different enough from one
another to enable flexibility in the final choice. We formalize this new problem and suggest to address
it with a multimodal optimization approach. Niching considerations are discussed for common
scheduling problems. Through the flexibility induced with this approach, the additional considerations
can be taken into account in a second step, which allows decision-makers to select an appropriate
schedule among a set of sound schedules (in contrast to common optimization approaches, where
usually a single solution is obtained and it is final). The proposed two-step approach can be used to
handle a wide range of underlying scheduling problems. To show its potential and benefits we illustrate
the framework on a set of hybrid flow shop instances that have been previously studied in the
literature. We develop a multimodal genetic algorithm that employs an adapted version of the
restricted tournament selection for niching purposes in the first step. The second step takes into
account additional concerns of the decision-maker related to the ability of the schedules to absorb the
negative effects due to random machine breakdowns. Our computational experiments indicate that the
proposed framework is capable of generating numerous high-performance (mostly optimal) schedules.
Additionally, our computational results demonstrate that the proposed framework provides the
decision-maker a high flexibility in dealing with subsequent side concerns, since there are drastic
differences in the capabilities of the efficient solutions found in Step 1 to absorb the negative impacts of
machine breakdowns