Quality-of-service differentiation in single-path and multi-path routing for wireless sensor network-based smart grid applications
Electrical grid is one of the most important infrastructure of the modern nation. However,
power grid has been aged over 100 years and prone to major failures. The imbalance
between power demand and supply, the equipment failures and the lack of comprehensive
monitoring and control capabilities are other important signs to take incremental steps for
switching to a smarter power grid with effective communication, automation and monitoring skills. This new concept is named as smart grid, which is a modern power grid system
with advanced communication, monitoring, sensing and control capabilities. Wireless sensor network (WSN) concept places an important role in this modernization process of the
power grid with its efficient and low-cost deployment characteristics. However, harsh and
complex smart grid environmental conditions, dynamic topology changes, connectivity
problems, interference and fading may pose some challenges for the communication performance of WSN technology. For this objective, in this paper, the use of multi-path and
single-path QoS-aware routing algorithms under harsh SG environmental conditions is
investigated in order to evaluate their service differentiation capabilities in reliability
and timeliness domains. In this regard, this study is an important step towards developing
novel routing protocols specifically designed for smart grid environments.