Rehabilitation of water and environment of the TKI - GELI/YLI opencast mine lakes
During the search, production and enrichment process of mining operations the air, soil, water resources and living organisms are affected adversely. In coal opencast production, with the rise of surface water and ground water level large or small ponds are composed. The most important environmental problems of these ponds are low pH (acidic characteristic) and high metal concentrations (Fe, Mn, Al, Cu, Pb, Zn etc.) of these ponds, besides the sulfide minerals containing (S04) and the waste materials. These ponds needed to be rehabilitated for is one the sustainability of natural resources. In this study, the average pH values 6.22-7.79, turbidity (NTU) 0.63-6.71, sulphate content 840-1720 mg/L, KOI 2.27-61.5mg/L and electrical conductivity 1.72 -2.71 mS/cm have been measured during the monitoring study of three different lignite opencast mine post-production lakes of the TKI -GELI and YLI. The results were evaluated within the framework of relevant laws and regulations. Analyses were performed in three-month periods.