Browsing İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü Koleksiyonu by Language "eng"
Now showing items 1-20 of 137
Alkali activation of mortars containing different replacement levels of ground granulated blast furnace slag
(ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2012)The aim of the present study is to investigate some properties of alkali-activated mortars containing slag at different replacement levels. Ground granulated blast furnace slag was used at 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% ... -
Analysis of the best available techniques for wastewaters from a denim manufacturing textile mill
(ACADEMIC PRESS LTD- ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD24-28 OVAL RD, LONDON NW1 7DX, ENGLAND, 2017)The present study was undertaken as the first plant scale application and evaluation of Best Available Techniques (BAT) within the context of the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control/Industrial Emissions Directive ... -
Analysis of the probability of failure for open-grown trees during wind storms
(ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2014)Although trees convey important environmental, economic, and sociological benefits on humans and society, they can also cause significant economic and societal disruptions, especially when subjected to wind storms in ... -
Application of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics to Structural Cable Analysis
(MDPI, ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLAND, 2020)In this study, a numerical model is proposed for the analysis of a simply supported structural cable. Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH)-a mesh-free, Lagrangian method with advantages for analysis of highly deformable ... -
Arsenic removal by the micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration using response surface methodology
(IWA PUBLISHING, ALLIANCE HOUSE, 12 CAXTON ST, LONDON SW1H0QS, ENGLAND, 2020)The present research investigates the removal of arsenic (As) from aqueous solutions using micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration (MEUF) by utilizing two different surfactants: benzethonium chloride and dodecyl pyridinium ... -
Arsenic removal from aqueous solutions by ultrafiltration assisted with polyacrylamide: an application of response surface methodology
(DESALINATION PUBL, 2015)The present work deals with removal of arsenic from aqueous solutions by ultrafiltration assisted with polyacrylamide as an environmental friendly complexing polymer. The system performance was evaluated in relation to ... -
Assessment of the effectiveness of a rockfall ditch through 3-D probabilistic rockfall simulations and automated image processing
(ELSEVIERRADARWEG 29, 1043 NX AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 2021)Rockfall ditches or catchment areas aim to collect falling blocks at the toe of a source zone by dissipating the energy of blocks in an excavated trench. The effectiveness of a rockfall ditch is simply expressed by its ... -
Carbon Dioxide Absorption Using Different Solvents (MEA, NaOH, KOH and Mg(OH)2) in Bubble Column Reactor
(Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi, 2023)Carbon dioxide is considered to be one of the greenhouse gases potentially responsible for climate change. The aim of this research is to reduce emissions by capturing carbon dioxide in a solution using an absorption ... -
Carbon dioxide absorption using monoethanolamine, piperazine and n-metil-2-pirolidon solvents under counter current regime in packed column reactor
(ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2024)In this research the carbon dioxide absorption using Monoethanolamine (MEA), Piperazine (PZ) and N-Metil-2-pirolidon (NMP) solvents and their different blends (MEA/NMP, PZ/NMP, MEA/PZ) in packed column reactor filled with ... -
Characteristics of calcined natural zeolites for use in high-performance pozzolan blended cements
(ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2014)Two natural zeolites with different characteristics were calcined at various temperatures in order to improve the benefits provided by their use in blended cements as cement replacement material. Natural zeolites were ... -
Characterization of Limestone Calcined Clay Cement Made with Calcium Sulfoaluminate Clinker
(SPRINGER, 2024)This study concentrated on producing limestone calcined clay calcium sulfoaluminate cement by replacing portland cement in limestone calcined clay cement with calcium sulfoaluminate cement, with the goal of increasing the ... -
Characterizing boron-enhanced one-part alkaline-activated mortars: Mechanical properties, microstructure and environmental impacts
(ELSEVIER, 2024)Since alkali activators negatively effect the environmental impact assessment, it is necessary to develop the alternative activators from natural sources with low environmental impact. Therefore, in this study, the usage ... -
A cleaner demolition scheduling methodology considering dust dispersion: A case study for a post-earthquake region
(ELSEVIER, 2024)In the present century, pollution is a primary concern for billions, prompting governments to advocate cleaner ways of production. Demolition activity is often an indispensable solution for structures that have completed ... -
Comparative analysis of hybrid geothermal-solar systems and solar PV with battery storage: Site suitability, emissions, and economic performance
(ELSEVIER, 2024)Renewable energy integration has become a critical focus in the global effort to reduce carbon emissions and diversify energy sources. In regions with distinct geographic features, such as Türkiye, combining different ... -
Comparative life cycle assessment of retort pouch and aluminum can for ready-to-eat bean packaging
(SPRINGER, 2023)Since packaging contributes to severe environmental impacts in food production, alternatives of packaging materials that satisfy customer needs while minimizing environmental impacts in a cost-effective manner should be ... -
A Comparative Study on the VS30 and N-30 Based Seismic Site Classification in Kahramanmaras, Turkey
(HINDAWI LTD, ADAM HOUSE, 3RD FLR, 1 FITZROY SQ, LONDON, W1T 5HF, ENGLAND, 2020)Assessment of seismic site classification (SSC) using either the average shear wave velocity (V-S30) or the average SPT-N values (N-30) for upper 30 m in soils is the simplest method to carry out various studies including ... -
Comparison of Mechanical and Physical Properties of Screed with and without Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Particles
(YILDIZ TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ, 2022)In this study, in order to observe the mechanical and physical properties of ordinary screed, sandy-lightweight screed and lightweight screed samples, expanded polystyrene (EPS) was used as fine aggregate and lightweight ... -
Comparison of SPT and V-s-based liquefaction analyses: a case study in Ercis (Van, Turkey)
(SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, GEWERBESTRASSE 11, CHAM, CH-6330, SWITZERLAND, 2018)Liquefaction which is one of the most destructive ground deformations occurs during an earthquake in saturated or partially saturated silty and sandy soils, which may cause serious damages such as settlement and tilting ... -
Compatibility and Biomineralization Oriented Optimization of Nutrient Content in Nitrate-Reducing-Biogranules-Based Microbial Self-Healing Concrete
(MDPIST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLAND, 2021)Microbially induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICP) can be mentioned among the popular approaches to develop a self-healing concrete. The production of dissolved inorganic carbon through microbial activity is the ... -
Compatibility of Superplasticizers with Limestone-Metakaolin Blended Cementitious System
(SPRINGER, 2015)This study investigates the performance of polycarboxylate ether (PCE), polymelamine sulfonate (PMS), sodium lignosulfonate and naphthalene formaldehyde condensate (PNS) superplasticizers (SPs) with ASTM C595 Type IL cement ...