Browsing WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 1016-1035 of 1216
Sample Reduction Strategies for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction
(MDPI, ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, CH-4052 BASEL, SWITZERLAND, 2019)Predicting the secondary structure from protein sequence plays a crucial role in estimating the 3D structure, which has applications in drug design and in understanding the function of proteins. As new genes and proteins ... -
Seamless Mobile Data Offloading in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks based on IEEE 802.21 and User Experience
(IEEE, 2014)The increase on smartphone usage has brought the burden of data traffic with it. Operators are looking for cost-effective solutions to overcome the problem of 3G infrastructure for high contention traffic scenarios. Several ... -
A Searching and Automatic Video Tagging Tool for Events of Interest during Volleyball Training Sessions
(ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, 1515 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NY 10036-9998 USA, 2019)Quick and easy access to performance data during matches and training sessions is important for both players and coaches. While there are many video tagging systems available, these systems require manual effort. This paper ... -
The seismic behaviour of RC exterior shear walls used for strengthening of intact and damaged frames
(SPRINGER, VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, 2020)Several strengthening techniques such as steel plate bonding, external post-tensioning, steel bracing, or addition of new structural elements have been widely used to improve the seismic behaviour of structures, which ... -
Selective dye uptake from aqueous industrial waste mixtures by novel covalent organic frameworks
(AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2015)..... -
Selective leaching of a mixed nickel-cobalt hydroxide precipitate in sulphuric acid solution with potassium permanganate as oxidant
(TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC, 530 WALNUT STREET, STE 850, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 USA, 2020)Selective leaching of a mixed nickel-cobalt hydroxide precipitate was investigated using potassium permanganate as oxidant in sulfuric acid solution. 94.9% Ni, 50% Co and 0.6% Mn were dissolved under the following conditions: ... -
Selective Remanent Ambipolar Charge Transport in Polymeric Field-Effect Transistors For High-Performance Logic Circuits Fabricated in Ambient
(WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBHPOSTFACH 101161, 69451 WEINHEIM, GERMANY, 2014)Ambipolar polymeric field-effect transistors can be programmed into a p- or n-type mode by using the remanent polarization of a ferroelectric gate insulator. Due to the remanent polarity, the device architecture is suited ... -
Selective removal of cationic micro-pollutants using disulfide-linked network structures
(ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY, THOMAS GRAHAM HOUSE, SCIENCE PARK, MILTON RD, CAMBRIDGE CB4 0WF, CAMBS, ENGLAND, 207-05-15)Micropollutants are found in all water sources, even after thorough treatments that include membrane filtration. New ones emerge as complex molecules are continuously produced and discarded after used. Treatment methods ... -
Self-Resonant Microlasers of Colloidal Quantum Wells Constructed by Direct Deep Patterning
(AMER CHEMICAL SOC1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036, 2021)Here, the first account of self-resonant fully colloidal mu-lasers made from colloidal quantum well (CQW) solution is reported. A deep patterning technique is developed to fabricate well-defined high aspect-ratio on-chip ... -
A Semi-Analytic Method for Solving Singularly Perturbed Twin-Layer Problems with a Turning Point
(Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2023)This computational study investigates a class of singularly perturbed second-order boundary-value problems having dual (twin) boundary layers and simple turning points. It is well-known that the classical discretization ... -
Semiconducting Copolymers Based on meso-Substituted BODIPY for Inverted Organic Solar Cells and Field-Effect Transistors
(Advanced Electronic Materials, 2018)The synthesis, physicochemical, and optoelectronic properties of a new class of low band-gap (?1.3 eV) donor–acceptor copolymers based on a highly electron-deficient meso-5-(2-octyldodecyl)thiophene-substituted BODIPY ... -
Separation of Fe and Mn from Manganiferous Iron Ores via Reductive Acid Leaching Followed by Magnetic Separation
(SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANY, 2020)In this study, a process to separate manganese and iron from manganiferous iron ores by reductive acid leaching followed by magnetic separation was conceived and experimentally tested. In the leaching process, sulfuric ... -
Separation of Mn and Fe from a Manganiferous Iron Ore Using Horse Dung as Reductant: A Zero Waste Approach
(SPRINGER, 2022)The separation of manganese and iron from a manganiferous iron ore using horse dung (biomass) as reductant was investigated in a sulfuric acid solution, and 99.80% Mn and 17.76% Fe were extracted into the solution under ... -
Settling down the crisis: planning and implementation of the immigrant settlements in the Balkans during the Late Ottoman period
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXON, ENGLAND, 2019)Since the Crimean War (1853-56), the Ottomans encountered with the problem of settling the Muslim immigrants and it was initially resolved by establishing new towns and villages on vast arable plains in the Balkans and ... -
Sex effect on the correlation of immunoglobulin G glycosylation with rheumatoid arthritis disease activity
(TUBITAK SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TURKEY, ATATURK BULVARI NO 221, KAVAKLIDERE, ANKARA, 00000, TURKEY, 2020)Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease which affects females more than males with a presence of autoantibodies. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) produced by adaptive arm has 2 functional domains, Fc and Fab. The ... -
Shape Fidelity Evaluation of Alginate-Based Hydrogels through Extrusion-Based Bioprinting
(MDPI, 2022)Extrusion-based 3D bioprinting is a promising technique for fabricating multi-layered, complex biostructures, as it enables multi-material dispersion of bioinks with a straightforward procedure (particularly for users ... -
Shell-shaped active layers for omnidirectional organic photovoltaic cells
(SPIE-SOC PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS, 2022)For the employment of organic photovoltaic cells in wearable electronic systems, improvements in energy conversion efficiency and omnidirectionality (angular coverage) are highly appreciated. This study aims at those ... -
Short Term Electricity Load Forecasting: A Case Study of Electric Utility Market in Turkey
(IEEE, 2015)With the recent developments in energy sector, the pricing of electricity is now governed by the spot market where a variety of market mechanisms are effective. After the new legislation of market liberalization in Turkey, ... -
Short to Mid-Range Night Fire Detection
(IEEE345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA, 2017)Computer vision methods used for night-time fire detection are limited. Existing works are for detection of distant night fires recorded from watch towers. In this paper, detection of short to mid-range night fires from ... -
The significance of renewable energy use for economic output and environmental protection: evidence from the Next 11 developing economies
(SPRINGER HEIDELBERGTIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANY, 2017)Increasing economic activities in developing economies raise demand for energy mainly sourced from conventional sources. The consumption of more conventional energy will have a significant negative impact on the environment. ...