Browsing İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi by Title
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
(TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM Ulusal Akademik Ağ ve Bilgi Merkezi Cahit Arf Bilgi Merkezi, 2020)AKP Suriyeli mülteci krizi ile baş etmek için uzun bir süre boyunca açık kapı politikası uygulamasına karşın, 2011-2018 yılları arasında konu üzerine geliştirdiği söylemsel pratiği kafa karıştırıcıydı. Zira, bu söylemsel ... -
Chasing Coffee: A New Research Agenda in Turkey
(SPRINGER, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600, NEW YORK, NY, UNITED STATES, 2020)This article is a call for a new research agenda: a socio-economic analysis of coffee in Turkey. To contextualize the importance and relevance of this effort, it first provides a critical assessment of the literature on ... -
Does Islamic inclusion of Syrians represent a real challenge to Europe's security approach?: Dilemmas of the AKP's Syrian refugee discourse
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXON, ENGLAND, 2020)Drawing upon the critical geopolitics literature and discourse analysis, this article will explain how the ruling AKP in Turkey fashioned an alternative, Islamically infused migration discourse in response to the Syrian ... -
Editors' Introduction
(Cambridge University Press, Cambridge )Since before the publication of New Perspectives on Turkey’s spring 2023 issue, politics has been at the top of the agenda of public discussions in Turkey. The reason was the general elections for the presidency and the ... -
Gender and sexuality in the authoritarian discursive strategies of 'New Turkey'
(SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLAND, 2017)In the last decade, discourse on sexuality has proliferated more than ever in the political realm in Turkey. The discursive utilization of women's bodies and sexualities has appeared as the main tool to consolidate a ... -
Gender in Political Sex Scandals in Contemporary Turkey: Women's Agency and the Public Sphere
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2015)Sex scandals in politics lead to intense public debates about fundamental issues, such as morality, publicity, and privacy, rendering gender inequalities more visible than ever. This article aims to reveal the complex ... -
Intersectional power dynamics and extended households: Elderly and widowed women's international migration from Armenia
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2-4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXON, ENGLAND, 2019)Drawing upon interviews and fieldwork conducted in Armenia and Turkey with 25 Armenian migrant women and their non-accompanying family members, the present article examines how gendered norms intersecting with age, marital ... -
(Rasim Özgür Dönmez, 2023)Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi’nin yaklaşık ilk on yılı sonucunda rejimle halk ve köylüler arasındaki açıyı kapatmak üzere kurulan Halkevleri, o güne kadar genellikle dağınık cemaatler halinde yaşayan Anadolu köylülüğünden modern ... -
(Sakarya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018)After 1945, Western countries witnessed the awakening of the Third World.People of underdeveloped countries, who had been subjected to domination bydeveloped Western countries, showed an interest towards a project of the ... -
Parenting and education: Navigating class, religiosity and secularity in Istanbul
(Routledge, 2023)This article studies the educational choices that secular and religious professional and managerial middle-class parents in Istanbul make for their children. It explores the ways in which class intersects with religion ... -
A Research on Consumer Perceptions of Food and Beverage Marketing on Social Media
(2021)The study was conducted to examine how social media affects the food and beverage industry. It wasalso intended to expose the impact of social media on consumer preferences for the marketing of food andbeverages. In order ... -
Türkiye’de Ataerkinin Kadın İstihdamı Tabusu: İşveren Tutumları Üzerine Bir Uygulama
(Mülkiyeliler Birliği Genel Merkezi, 2023)Dünya genelinde, 1970’li yıllardan beri ihracata dayalı ekonomik modelde kadın işgücünün büyük bir öneme sahip olduğu bilinmektedir. Nitekim tüm dünyada ‘istihdamda feminizasyon’un öne çıkması da bunu doğrular niteliktedir. ... -
Türkiye’de Kadın Kooperatifleri: Mevcut Durum Analizi, Kadın Güçlenmesi ve İstihdam Yaratma Potansiyeli
(DİSK Birleşik Metal-İş, 2023)Türkiye hala toplumsal cinsiyet normlarının çok güçlü olduğu ve kadınların ekonomik yönden birçok dezavantajı yaşadıkları bir ülkedir. Bunun en bariz gözlemlenebildiği alan ise, işgücü piyasasıdır. Türkiye’de kadınların ... -
Women's Tertiary Education Masks the Gender Wage Gap in Turkey
(SPRINGERONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, NY 10004, UNITED STATES, 2017)This paper investigates the gender wage gap for full-time formal sector employees, disaggregated by education level. The gap between the labor force participation rate of women with tertiary education and those with lower ...